Kingston Heirloom Quilters

established in 1979

Creating Tomorrow's Heirlooms

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KHQ Group Quilt: Decades of Fashion, 2012
88 1/2" x 113 3/4"

Margaret Rhodes challenged the Kingston Heirloom Quilters to make a quilt based on the patterns of Ontario quilt designers, Nina Cotton and her mother, Ada Torrance. Their quilt, "One Hundred Years of Fashion", made years ago, was stolen. Nina had started to reproduce the quilt but was unable to continue due to her failing health.

Margaret purchased the patterns and we began work. Members picked a two dimensional block to work on and went home to research the decade and return with a three-dimensional picture that brought that era to life. But as often happens with the creative process, ideas had to percolate and it wasn't till after Margaret's death in 2010 that this quilt started to take shape and become more than just a collection of appliquéd blocks.

Diane Berry guided us through the whole process, encouraging us when it felt like nothing was going to work. We discussed how to present the fashion blocks at length, finally deciding to frame each in accordance with the time and style of the block. Should the frames be oval or rectangular, on a wall or wallpapered wall? You can see our decisions.

Ros Hanes designed the centre wreath of flowers and did the embroidery. Note the many Ontario trilliums. Diane Davies appliquéd most of the centre panel. The quilted flowers and vines growing around the pictures were designed by Ros. The title of the quilt and the decade of each picture were hand embroidered by Margaret Henshaw.

The quilt is hand pieced with a small amount of machine stitching, hand appliquéd, and hand quilted.

We dedicate this quilt to our much missed friend and mentor, Margaret Rhodes.

For more detailed pictures, click on the quilt.

Send questions and comments to: khq at
Last modified by dhh: July 5, 2012