Kingston Heirloom Quilters

established in 1979

Creating Tomorrow's Heirlooms

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KHQ Group Quilt: December Rose, 2014
83" x 102 1/2 "

December Rose began as a members' raffle block, picked by Bea Walroth. The winner of these "Rose of Sharon Variation" appliqued blocks, gifted the bloc ks back to the group. The Kingston Heirloom Quilters designed the quilt layout using quilt design software "Electric Quilt". We decided to do prairie points to show newer members how to do it.

When it came time to quilt, there was a lot of extra fabric in the centre of the quilt. Bea used this as a teaching experience and quietly told us that we'd have to do a lot of quilting to take up the extra fabric. As you can see, she was correct.

When you look at the detailed pictures by clicking the picture to the right, watch for the happy Kingston Heirloom Quilters at the bottom of the page.

This quilt was hand appliqued, machine pieced, and hand quilted.

The Kingston Heirloom Quilters donated this quilt to the Kingston Lakeshore Lions Club. The raffled quilt raised more than $3,000, which was donated to Thinkfirst Kingston. The winning ticketholder was Bert Porbert.

ThinkFirst Kingston promotes researched, evidence-based and expert-advised resources and tools that can help to prevent serious harm or death from preventable injuries. This is done through educational events, helmet fitting clinics, and free helmet giveaways to any child/youth that otherwise would go without. From the ThinkFirst website.


December Rose was juried into the Canadian Quilters' Association National Juried Show 2014.

It won Best of Show in the 2014 Kingston Fair.

At the 2015 Quilts Kingston Show, December Rose won:

1) Second Prize, Viewers' Choice

2) Second Prize, Best Hand Quilted with Some Machine Work - Bed

Send questions and comments to: khq at
Last modified by dhh: February 24, 2020