Kingston Heirloom Quiltersestablished in 1979 Creating Tomorrow's Heirlooms |
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Member Quilts |
Check list for November 7 th : |
For November 23 rd : |
For December 5 th : . Block of the month raffle . Christmas lunch contribution . Name tag . Sewing kit and mug |
For January 2 nd : . Tin can project . Show & tell . Name tag . Sewing kit & mug |
Meeting Dates: | ||
Nov 7 and 23 | Jan 2 and 18 | March 6 and 22 |
Dec 5 (Christmas Luncheon) | Feb 6 and 22 |
Greetings from the President
Donna Hamilton
As I write these greetings, the wind is howling, the leaves are flying. What's left of the flowers is shivering. The bright colours of fall are beginning to fade. The sky is a mass of big fluffy clouds, white, grey, and black, floating across the sea of blue sky that occasionally peaks through and smiles at us with the sun or laughs as the rain pelts down to the earth. Halloween is almost here. We'll soon be snuggling under our quilts to keep warm.
Quilting season is officially here. The number of activities that pulls us away from our favourite past time will be diminishing. The cottage will be ready for the winter; the garden will be asleep. All those outdoor maintenance activities will be waiting for spring. And let's face it, the indoor maintenance activities can wait till spring too! Darn it!
I hope you are making progress on your UFOs or any other project that has tickled your fancy. My progress seems to have slowed. I'm hand piecing green triangles into the border of my baby quilt, Trip Around the World, that will probably be called Trip Around the Sea. My Angel quilt calls. My goal was to complete the Angel piecing for our December luncheon.
I thought our garage sale was lots of fun. Many thanks to everyone who participated. Do you think we should do this every fall? Someone suggested we do it again in the spring. Let your Executive know what you think. Planning for next term starts on Tuesday November 28 th . The Singing Quilter is already book for Thursday May 31 st , 2007 . Mark your calendars! (To learn more, see her web site at
The Broken Star is moving along. I can hardly wait for the remaining two appliquéd blocks to come in. The design of the appliqué border will soon be completed and be ready for your hands. Many of the larger appliquéd flowers are already completed. We are beginning to think about the quilting design. We want to finish the quilt with our signature hand quilting throughout. Got any ideas?
It has been exciting seeing the Fashion Through the Centuries blocks come in. What are the secrets to your fine appliqué? Please share yours with us. Some of us, including me, can use all the help we can find. Please continue to contribute to our baby quilts for the hospital and show boutique. I thought it a wonderful idea to devote one of our block-of-the-months to baby quilts. Way to go, Mary Ann
I'll close here and let you get to the other news. I hope you enjoy the remainder of the fall season. Be sure to tell us of any suggestions you have for the winter season.
Happy quilting!
Program and Projects
Sylvia Currie
St. John's Church was humming (literally) at our October 26th meeting. Many thanks to Simone Lynch who got us " Stack and Whacking ", making placements for the boutique in the 2008 quilt show. Please bring your placemat tops to our November 7th meeting, and we'll finish them with flannel, backing and quilting. We will also have a discussion on Ironing Seams, what do you do?
There will be a draw for the Block of the Month, so be sure to get yours in.
Marilyn Vance will be our guest speaker at the November 23rd meeting, showing her pictures "North of Sixty". This promises to be a special treat, to see how the Quilt of Belonging has travelled across the Arctic . Might even bring back memories of snowy, slippery trips out Sydenham Road to Marilyn's home to work on the quilt. There will be a new Block of the Month available, and the Tin Cans are due to be passed along.
December 5th will be our Christmas lunch , which is always a festive occasion, highlighted by the Show and Tell display. To whet our appetites, we'll first talk about Guidelines for Pricing your work .
We'll return from the holidays on January 2 nd with a general work day, continuing our several group projects, and a Block of the Month raffle.
Rosalie Gray
To date our membership stands at 51 confirmed, with one more "possible" from last year as yet undeclared. Updated lists were distributed at the October meetings and extras are available for those who weren't there. Please add Barbara Reynolds, to your list. We welcome back Pat Addy, Arlene Cooper and Barbara Reynolds. Great to have you with us again! Unfortunately we also say "goodbye" to a few long-time members. Heartfelt "get well soon" wishes go out to Dorothy Mann, who may be unable to take over the winter membership/phone duties this year. And a huge THANK YOU to Peggy McAskill who has kindly agreed to fill in until one of us get "back to business". Meanwhile, I'll be missing all your friendly faces. Merry Christmas and Happy "Quilting" New Year!
FLASH - Please check your new membership list. Francine LeBlanc's phone number should be changed.
With Sympathy
In the spring KHQ lost a staunch supporter and willing helper of many years duration. Our condolences to Bea Walroth on the passing of her husband, Dorvile. His cheery smile and quick wit always made quilt show hangings a happier place. He will be missed.
We also extend condolences to Simone Lynch on the recent loss of her mother, Emily Rapin. We appreciate Simone's continued commitment to group activities at this busy time for her.
Heirloom Christmas Lunch
Joan Bales
The Christmas lunch will be held this year on December 5 th , 2006 at 12 noon at St. John's Church . Bring your favourite sandwiches, entre or dessert to share. We do have an oven available if re-heating is necessary. Please bring your mugs for tea. Paper plates will be provided and we can use utensils from the church. We will again collect canned goods for the needy. For further information, contact Joan or Ros.
The Nose Knows
Just a reminder that some of us are bothered by strong fragrances, so we should all refrain from using perfumes and help to make our meetings Fragrance Free.
Baby Quilts
Joan Bales
We are continuing to make baby quilts for the Kingston General Hospital and hopefully each member will complete at least one for the year. Each meeting I am trying to have one baby quilt ready for tying. We are also setting up a baby quilt on a frame so that the hand quilters can work on it. Please bring in any finished baby quilts by the December 5 th meeting, or before, so that some quilts may be turned in before Christmas.
KHQ and the Fall Agricultural Fair
Sylvia Currie
As in years past, two of our members collected lots of awards, both ribbons and cash, at the Kingston Fair. Josè Roosenmaallen placed first in TEN sewing categories and second in one category, winning awards from Wilton Creek Fabrics and Perfect Stitch as well. Phyllis Vanhorne continued her history of quilting awards with three first prizes for pieced and appliqué, appliqué, fancy hand quilting, with an award from Limestone Quilters for best appliqué. She also placed second for scrap quilts. The biggest award for Phyllis, our Queen of Quilting, was from the Women's Institute for her longstanding work with the Agricultural Fair. Congratulations to both ladies!
Meanwhile our dauntless President decided it was time KHQ entered the quilt show, in addition to the award we have sponsored for many years. She appeared with our recently completed Nickel group quilt, only to learn that the center seam on the backing prevented it from being considered for a prize. A wall hanging Donna had made did place third - good going! She also won first prize for a crocheted afghan, which won the best crocheted item at the fair - what a quilter! On her way out, Donna stopped to admire the flower display, and thought about her flowers at home. Back to the fair she came with her dahlia and red salvia, both of which won first prize! Way to go, Donna; congratulations!
About That Center Back Seam
Bea Walroth
Although the National Quilters Association 'does not concern itself with the back of the quilt' when judging, the Ont. Agriculture Soc. obviously does. Thus our Nickel Quilt had no chance for a prize because the lining had a center seam.
Here is a quick and easy method for a 'proper' lining, reprinted from my Master Quilting Booklet.
Quilts will be stronger and look better on the back if the lining has two seams rather than one at the center. Have a center panel the full fabric width, and divide the rest evenly on either side.
If your lining is under 88' wide, this can be easily achieved by the following method. The lining should be 3-4" greater in each direction than the finished quilt top.
Cut two fabric lengths, marking the top to ensure that they run same way up.
Fold one panel in half lengthwise and press a light crease down the centre.
Align panels face to face, matching tops and sides, and pin together along the edges.
Machine stitch 1/2" in from the edge working from top to bottom on both sides. For hand work, trace the seamline on the left edge of each piece before pinning, and stitch closely and firmly, back stitching every two or three stitches. You now have a large tube.
Trim off the selvages, two layers at once.
Slip tube over ironing board, face in, and press seams towards the vertical crease.
Baste seams down so that they wont flip when stretched on the quilt frame.
Cut along the lengthwise crease, reducing to the desired width. You now have one full centre panel with the other divided on either side.
To expedite tacking the quilt to the frame, press over 1/2" towards the back all around the perimeter and place a thread tack to mark the exact centre on each edge.
The Quilt, A Breast Cancer Project
Joan Bales
In our last Quilts Kingston show our little group called "The Fat Quarters" - Sally Hutson, Sally Walsh, Betty Gill and Joan Bales - had a wall hanging called The Erte's Ladies. We decided to give the quilt to The Quilt Project this past year. It travelled in the east of Canada , East A. After visiting the eastern cities it returned to Casa Loma, along with East B quilts for September and part of October. After the final closing online of the East quilts on October 15 th , I was notified that we had won second prize Viewers' Choice. The final auction took place October 24 th at the Distillery District Fermenting Cellars. We were delighted to hear it sold for $1,500!
Some of our members helped in August at the Lazy Boy store in Kingston when the quilts were on display. The butterfly quilt in that display won first prize Viewers' Choice at Casa Loma. Mary Ann McAndrew's wallhanging, Four Summer Flowers, was also at Casa Loma and brought a good price online.
Congratulation to all!
Quilts Kingston 2008
We are gearing up for our next quilt show. Marg Henshaw is the KHQ co-chair, and is seeking volunteers to fill some vacancies. Please check her poster board at the next meeting and consider how you might help. With the co-sponsorship of KHQ and the Limestone Quilters the tasks are shared, making it much more enjoyable as well as less effort. Do let Marg know how you can help.
Thanks to The Perfect Stitch
We extend our appreciation to The Perfect Stitch for the donation of squares made in some of their classes. We will be able to use them for lap quilts and other small projects.
The Ort Box Lives On
Sylvia Currie
Members will be pleased to know that our efforts have been appreciated, first with a thank you note from Quilts Canada for our contribution to the delegate bags, and second with an inquiry from the Chocolate River Quilters in New Brunswick . They are interested in making them and now have the instructions. I trust they will have as much fun as we did making them!
The Singing Quilter is Coming
Cathy Miller and her husband, John Bunge, will be in Kingston , at the invitation of the Kingston Heirloom Quilters, on Thursday, May 31, 2007 , at the Sydenham Street United Church , 7:30 pm . In addition to her topical songs, Cathy will display a few of her quilts. We also plan to have a small quilt display. Refreshments will be served. It promises to be a great evening. We hope to have tickets available ($8.00 in advance, $10.00 at the door) in time for Christmas stocking stuffers.
The Genie and the Stitcher
Source Unknown, rewritten by Martha Beth Lewis (see )
A stitcher went into an antique store and found a dusty old bottle. As she was cleaning it off, a genie appeared, causing her to gasp in surprise. "Salutations, Madame," the genie said in a raspy voice. "Are you a genie?!" the stitcher asked, her eyes alight with excitement. "Yes, Madame." "The kind that grants three wishes?" she inquired, still not believing her good luck. "Yes, Madame, but I am a very old genie, and my powers are very weak." He paused to catch his breath. "I cannot grant you three wishes, but I can grant you one." He rested again and wheezed, "What is your wish?"
The stitcher thought for a while and then said, "I wish for world peace." "Madame, I am very old, and my powers are very weak. I cannot grant you so great a wish as world peace. Do you not have another wish?"
The stitcher thought again and said, "To finish all my unfinished needlework projects!"
The genie was aghast at this potential drain on his strength. With a sigh he said, "Madame, I am a very, very old genie and my powers are very, very weak. I am unable to grant this wish, so instead I give you world peace."
Life in the Sixteenth Century (1500's)
The following offers explanations for sayings we have come to take for granted. Whether you believe it or not, it's fun to read. Dr. Beatrice Stiglitz, Professor of French and Italian, College of Charleston , South Carolina , believes it. She put the information together at .
Baths equaled a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and, finally, the children. Last of all - the babies. By then the water was so dirty, you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water."
There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could really mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence.
The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt, hence the saying "dirt poor". The wealthy had slate floors, which would get slippery in the winter when wet. So they spread thresh on the floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they kept adding more thresh until, when you opened the door, the thresh would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed at the entryway, hence a "thresh hold".
Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or "upper crust".
Houses had thatched roofs - thick straw - piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the dogs, cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof - hence the saying "It's raining cats and dogs".
Upcoming Events
Nov. 17 - "Beyond Stippling" with Elaine Quehl, presented by Fibreworks. The weekend workshop is fully subscribed, but space is available for the Friday trunk show, 7 pm , St. Lawrence College, room 12050. $5 at the door.
Nov. 24-26 - "A Celebration of Quilts IX", presented by York Heritage Quilters Guild, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, 6 Garamond Court (Eglington Ave. & Don Mills Rd.), Toronto. Fri. 10 am-9 pm , Sat. 10 am-5 pm , Sun. 10 am- 4 pm. Admission $6. Info:
Nov. 30 - "Free Form Quilting in the Gees Bend Tradition". Retreat workshop at Odessa Fairgrounds Hall with Bethany Garner. Cost $30. Potluck lunch. To register contact Bethany at
Dec. 4 - Little Quilt Auction by the Ottawa Valley Quilters Guild, Notre Dame High School, 710 Broadview Ave., Ottawa (just off Carling Avenue). Preview 7 pm , auction 7:30 . Free admission. Proceeds to CHEO and Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.
Our Commercial Members - Be sure to tell friends and family to visit these shops.
Send questions and comments to: khq at Last modified by dhh: November 16, 2006 |